
Bridging Energy Medicine With Western Medicine


Energy Medicine is quickly moving into our health care system and it couldn’t happen soon enough. We have become a society that looks at the body as a collection of separate parts and pieces without recognizing how all the parts connect and relate to each other. Conventional (or Western) medicine seems to focus on illness [...]

Bridging Energy Medicine With Western Medicine2020-06-16T14:09:01+00:00

Which Energy Healing Service is Right For You?


I offer many different options for Energy Healing services and I realize that it can be confusing. Here is an attempt to explain some of the different options to give you a better idea of which one may best suit you Quantum Health Coaching If you were to take all of my knowledge and experience [...]

Which Energy Healing Service is Right For You?2021-07-19T14:58:47+00:00

Six Myths About Energy Medicine


Much of this content was borrowed from Dr. Bradley Nelson at https://discoverhealing.com/ (the makers of the Emotion Code™ and Body Code™). There are many myths surrounding Energy Medicine that I want to debunk. The more knowledge you have about this powerful healing modality the healthier you can be. Recently Dr. Bradley Nelson shared an article [...]

Six Myths About Energy Medicine2020-07-07T14:23:06+00:00

Treating the Body as a Whole Unit


My biggest issue with mainstream “Western” medicine is the lack of viewing the body as a whole interconnected unit. Everything is connected and so many things affect so many other things that treating individual body parts or individual organs is not the best course of action. I want to illustrate this by sharing a story [...]

Treating the Body as a Whole Unit2020-06-16T14:09:02+00:00

Why I No Longer Offer Reiki


I recently removed Reiki from my list of services and I wanted to take this opportunity to explain why. This month I attended my first Pranic Healing course and attained my Level One Pranic Healing certificate. The course blew me away and I found it so interesting to compare it to the form of Energy [...]

Why I No Longer Offer Reiki2019-05-07T13:20:15+00:00

Eden Energy Medicine versus Pranic Healing


What’s the difference between Eden Energy Medicine and Pranic Healing? Eden Energy and Pranic Healing are both forms of Energy Medicine and to be honest, in many ways, they are very similar. After taking my first Pranic healing course and seeing just how similar they were, it occurred to me that it may be confusing [...]

Eden Energy Medicine versus Pranic Healing2020-06-16T14:09:03+00:00

My First Pranic Energy Facial


When I came to Mexico a few years ago for my first sabbatical, I stumbled across a Pranic Healing center. Well, I didn’t exactly “stumble across it.” My awesome real estate agent (ahora mi amiga) told me about it. I became instantly fascinated by it and it definitely fueled this entire "energy journey" that I’ve [...]

My First Pranic Energy Facial2019-11-20T14:22:02+00:00

Energy Tracking is Life Changing


photo courtesy of https://www.biontologyarizona.com There are no greater lessons than the ones that I learn from my own body. Energy tracking my own energy is something that I take very seriously. I am so grateful for my ability to do so and consider it one of my most valuable tools and assets in this life. [...]

Energy Tracking is Life Changing2020-06-16T14:09:03+00:00

The True Cause of Illness


I want to share a couple of images with you that I created to explain illness, the root cause of it, and how we can uncover it. Imagine a huge iceberg with only the very tip sticking out of the water that you can see. The small part that sticks out is the actual pain, illness, [...]

The True Cause of Illness2020-06-16T14:09:03+00:00
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