Energy Medicine is quickly moving into our health care system and it couldn’t happen soon enough. We have become a society that looks at the body as a collection of separate parts and pieces without recognizing how all the parts connect and relate to each other. Conventional (or Western) medicine seems to focus on illness rather than optimizing health. It is much more “sick care” than health care because it doesn’t do much to prevent illnesses. It only treats them after the patients are already sick. It also doesn’t seem to be able to identify the causes for these illnesses and doesn’t understand the mind, body, and spirit connection within the body. There has been such a huge gap in knowledge for so long and that gap is finally starting to close thanks to Energy Medicine.

It’s time to move away from a medical system that is based on drugs, surgery, and anything coming from outside the body. It’s time that we look inside for all we need to heal. This concept of going inside has ancient roots and has been around since the beginning of time. It’s almost ironic that our system had to advance to incredible levels of sophistication only to realize that the most basic methods are still very valuable and very much needed in our current high tech society.

So what exactly is Energy Medicine?

Let’s start with Einstein’s theory. In a nutshell, he said that all matter (physical things) are made of vibrations of energy. This literally means that every single thing in the Universe, including our physical bodies, is made of energy. Understanding this basic principle is a game-changer on how we view our bodies. It is possible to manipulate this energy with magnets, with crystals, and with nothing more than our own hands. Manipulating the energy field to remove blocks and increase the flow of energy through the body directly correlates to how healthy you will be. This should certainly make us re-think the need for drugs and surgery as our first resort.

Imagine turning to non-invasive methods that integrate mind, body, and spirit with no side-effects as our first means of healing? Imagine if you could do some of these things yourself, right in your own home. Imagine if you had the power to heal yourself without worrying about insurance, huge medical bills, and potentially deadly side effects.

The Missing Mind-Body Connection

The biggest thing that conventional medicine doesn’t address is the role that our thoughts and emotions play in our overall health. This is a fundamental dimension of health care that, as of yet, hasn’t been taught in medical schools. But things seem to be changing. More and more conventional doctors are becoming more open to the idea that our thoughts and fears are projected into our physical health – that there is a direct link between the mind and the body. Learning to control our thoughts is equivalent to learning to control our health and this is why some hospitals are now offering (or prescribing) meditation. Again, an ancient skill that is now coming back to our high tech society because no medical equipment or drug will ever compare to the power of meditation.

There have been many scientific studies with proven evidence that Energy Medicine works. In fact, it has been scientifically established that the Chinese physicians who mapped the acupuncture meridians thousands of years ago were completely right! These meridians are what carry our energy through the body.

Things are Starting to Change

Many Energy Medicine protocols are now being offered in conventional hospitals prior to and following surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or other invasive procedures because they have been known to decrease negative side effects, diminish shock, and expedite healing. It is so great that hospitals are now welcoming these sorts of treatments for patients that are already very sick, but why stop there? How great would it be to welcome in Energy treatments to healthy people as a preventative way to ensure they never need to get as far as surgery or chemotherapy?

The first step is for people to learn how important it is to keep their energies flowing in healthy patterns. The second step is to teach them just how easy it is to do at home every day. It should become part of our daily hygiene just like brushing our teeth. If we can progress our acceptance of this sort of work it will truly change our lives, and I am hell-bent on doing just that . . . sharing and spreading my knowledge of the power of Energy Medicine. Please click below to see some of the classes that I am currently teaching in Camden, Maine. I am planning to take these classes online to reach a much bigger audience. Stay tuned for more information on that!

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