I recently removed Reiki from my list of services and I wanted to take this opportunity to explain why. This month I attended my first Pranic Healing course and attained my Level One Pranic Healing certificate. The course blew me away and I found it so interesting to compare it to the form of Energy Medicine that I’m currently certified in and so familiar with (Eden Energy Medicine or EEM). The two modalities definitely speak the same language, but yet the approaches are very different. They are both grounded in so much science, ancient knowledge, and tradition. I truly feel like Pranic Healing is an amazing compliment to what I already do.

However, my feeling toward Reiki shifted a bit. For the past year, when I got new clients inquiring about Reiki I would intentionally steer them to other options that I felt were better suited to their issue. The biggest reason I kept Reiki on my website was that it is the “energy healing modality” that everyone knows. Everyone has heard of Reiki and just about every time I tell a stranger that I’m “an Energy Medicine Practitioner” their response is, “Oh, like Reiki?” And that is understandable. It’s the most mainstream because there are so many people doing it. And the reason for that is because it’s fast, cheap, and relatively easy to gain a Reiki attunement. I honestly just didn’t want to lose the search engine traffic on the word “Reiki,” but that is no longer a compelling enough reason to keep it on my website.

This month, during my Pranic Healing course I realized something so important that it rattled my cage. Pranic Healing is all about three things:

  1. Cleansing dirty energy
  2. Energizing with clean energy
  3.  Stabilizing the energy

The first one is the one that really hit me. It’s very important to clean the toxins out before you put energy in. This brings me back to year one of Eden Energy Medicine when we learned how important it was to determine if a meridian was over or under-energized. You can’t give more energy to an over-energized meridian. You must first sedate that energy in order to balance it. As I mentioned above, Eden and Pranic are so similar, but with slightly different approaches.

In Reiki (as far as I know) there is no removing of toxic or dirty energy. The premise of Reiki is to just send positive loving energy to various parts of the body. But now I fear that sending extra energy to areas that may be infected, in pain, or diseased may not be the best thing. I equate this to our lessons in EEM to never place the south side of a magnet on an open wound or on somebody that has cancer or any other tumors. The south side of a magnet will actually intensify the problem.

I’m not, in any way, saying or claiming that Reiki can be harmful, but I just don’t feel like it’s the best option of all the other services that I can offer. There are many other Reiki practitioners, especially in my community, so I feel that if somebody has their heart set on Reiki, they should see somebody that truly has their heart in it.