This time of year it’s even more challenging to stay healthy. We don’t get outside as much, we have less light, and the winter blues can take a toll on us emotionally. It’s more important than ever to tend to your energetic health. Learning to do the Daily Energy Routine is a huge step toward staying healthy year-round and last month I got you started with the first exercise. I’m hoping that everybody has tried to incorporate such a fast and simple technique into their daily lives. In case you forgot what that step was, you can find it here.

Now, you are ready to add another step. These moves are so easy that it’s impossible to find an excuse not to do them! Are you ready? This time we are going to simply thump our upper chest. Bunch up all of your fingers so that all the fingers tips are touching.

and then thump on your upper chest just below your collarbone.

These points on your chest can be found by moving straight down from the eyes to the hollow area below the collarbone as shown below. Continuously thump these points while taking 3 deep breathes.

That’s it. How easy is that? In less than 30 seconds you can complete the technique from my last newsletter and this new one. If you incorporate these things into your day every day for 30 days they will become a new habit . . . one that just may change your life!