I recently ran across the above graphic that shows the number of reported cases of Lyme Disease in the US between 200 – 2017 and it got me thinking . . . My first thoughts went to a conversation about Lyme that started in one of my recent Intro to Energy Medicine classes. One of the class participants told the story about how she found a tick on her, went to a doctor and was told that the tick bite was nothing to worry about. She later told friends of this and received a whole lot of concerned feedback telling her that she should demand a Lyme test, or worse yet, demand a prescription for antibiotics. I mentioned my feelings . . . that I think the population is just a little too trigger happy with the antibiotics and we are all almost in hysteria over the threat of Lyme. I suggested that maybe our fear of the disease is actually contributing to it.
That prompted another class participant to share her story of getting Lyme disease, despite not having any fear whatsoever of it. She said that she was tested positive for Lyme, but never actually found a tick or a rash. She assumed the tick bite was on her head as a result of spending time under a tree and her hair must have blocked the rash from being visible. When I asked her about what else was going on in her life at the time of this Lyme diagnosis she did admit that her life was full of high stress.
Hearing these stories and seeing that graphic really ramps up my feelings on this subject. I am by no means a Lyme expert, nor a medical doctor, but I do have my own opinions based on what I know about energy, energy psychology, and the way our brains and bodies work.
When I look at the graphic of reported cases, I do wonder if it’s the excessive press about Lyme disease in the areas that it’s bad that creates more and more cases. Is it possible that there are just as many ticks in the parts of the country that have low cases, but there is not constant bad press scaring people into running to the doctor every time a tick crawls on them?
When people flood the doctors, fearful of tick bites and request antibiotics I’m assuming that the doctors must fill out insurance forms to specify what the meds are for. Whether people have the disease or not, they want the meds “just to be sure” and this inflates the “reported number of documented cases” and the more cases we have, the more it’s in the news as an epidemic. It’s a vicious cycle.
I know most people have heard of the placebo effect – taking a fake sugar pill (without the knowledge that it’s a fake) with the belief that the pill can cure us . . . and that belief is the thing that actually cures us! But have you also heard of the Nocebo effect? This is the same principle but in reverse. This is when a doctor gives you a diagnosis and you believe that you’re going to die, so you do. Or you fear a certain disease like cancer, spend way too much time stressing over it and thinking about it, and then you bring the illness on yourself because you believe that it’s hereditary and you’re doomed.
Our thoughts control our health.
So back to Lyme Disease . . .
Even if there’s no specific fear present (as in the case of one of my students) but there’s already a tremendous strain on the body due to stress and other emotional or environmental factors, you are setting yourself up for illness. I think the Lyme disease (or some other illness) may already be manifesting in the body long before the tick arrives. Perhaps in some cases, the tick bite is triggering something that’s already brewing under the surface. Or maybe there was never even a tick bite at all. It just seems to me that Lyme Disease has become an easy and logical way to explain the various symptoms (that may actually be caused by stress) and it seems to be the “Go To” diagnosis these days. I think most people don’t want to hear a doctor tell them that stress is causing their problems because it might sound like a co-op. It’s somehow easier to accept that something outside of themselves gave them an illness. I just want to urge you to understand how important our internal environment is to ward off the toxins and threats from our external environment.
I truly believe that keeping your energies healthy is the first and best line of defense against Lyme disease (and any other disease for that matter). And this includes your emotional energies. Being happy, joyful, grateful, with a positive outlook on life and not fearing the ticks and waiting for the worst case scenario will do wonders.