Would you like to know more about what Energy Medicine is and how it can improve your health and your life?

You won’t even believe what’s possible by taking control of your own health. Join me this spring to learn simple self-care techniques that can greatly improve your health.

Energy Medicine was called “the next big frontier in medicine” by Dr. Oz, but not many people know what it is. In this upcoming multi-day course you will learn a very simple 10 minute (or less) exercise routine to do at home that can drastically improve your health. Learn about how energy moves through our bodies via our meridians, chakras, aura, and many other energy systems that you didn’t even know existed. We will also cover some simple tricks to reduce pain and calm your nervous system in times of stress, as well as understand the effects of emotions on our physical body.

The dates have not yet been set and at this point, but classes should be starting sometime in May. The classes will likely meet in Camden one night a week for 3 weeks. Days and times will be determined based on majority rule. The cost for the entire session is $99 (with an option to pay $35 for individual classes). I will be offering a one-time-only special of $75 on this very first session. Please contact me by clicking the button below to go to my contact form. Just fill it out with a note that says you’re interested in joining the class. I will follow up with more details.

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