
Hidden Causes of Lower Back Pain


Our bodies are constantly trying to send us messages in the form of pain in different areas. We all have aches and pains that can be explained (or at least we think they can be explained) by recent injuries, but how many of us suffer with “pain for no good reason?” No matter what the [...]

Hidden Causes of Lower Back Pain2020-10-26T12:58:53+00:00

Hidden Causes of Neck / Shoulder Pain


I’m nearing completion of my Emotion Code™ Certification and the results have been astounding. So far I’ve worked on over 26 different people and have had some form of success in all but two. There have been significant reductions in pain and anxiety levels. Two of my most successful and exciting cases where performed on [...]

Hidden Causes of Neck / Shoulder Pain2020-06-16T14:09:04+00:00

Why Do I Have Chronic Neck Pain?


The first year of my Energy Medicine training was filled with endless things to remember, from the locations of all the meridians, source points, alarm points, holding points . . . the list goes on, to procedure after procedure to memorize and practice. It all felt very mechanical and physical to me and I found [...]

Why Do I Have Chronic Neck Pain?2020-06-16T14:09:04+00:00
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