The first year of my Energy Medicine training was filled with endless things to remember, from the locations of all the meridians, source points, alarm points, holding points . . . the list goes on, to procedure after procedure to memorize and practice. It all felt very mechanical and physical to me and I found myself ‘going through the motions’ as directed by my studies. But this year is different. This year, I’m moving away from a focus on memorization and toward applying the knowledge to each unique case. No two people have the same physical or energetic makeup and the most challenging part of my job is to uncover the root of the body’s physical symptom like chronic pain. It’s almost like a puzzle and it really is fun.

What I have discovered this year is just how important the mind/body connection is. During this year’s first quarter classes I learned how to test the body’s energy systems to uncover emotional imbalances and just how those imbalances can affect the physical body. It has been a positively fascinating journey and that journey has led me (quite by fate) to the study of the Emotion Code™ healing system. You can find more information about the Emotion Code by clicking here.

And now I’m diving deeper and deeper into the connection between emotions and physical symptoms. I plan to write an article every month that explores some of these connections. This month I’m going to focus on the neck. It just so happens that it was my neck that caused me so much pain and trouble over the years. Even after neck surgery (a disc fusion) I still wasn’t fully able to get rid of the pain. Not only did the pain come back, but it came along with other problems that I didn’t have pre-surgery! Was this a sign that the root cause of the problem might not have been structural? The thing that completely cured me of my chronic, never-ending neck pain was over one year of regular meditation. It was a big commitment and one that I know not many people can stick to. But now I’ve found a much faster and easier route to the same end result.

So what does it mean if you have chronic pain in your neck?

If you have pain in the back of your head and neck (where your skull meets your spine) you may have issues with guilt. This type of pain often means you made mistakes somewhere along the way that you haven’t forgiven yourself for. You (and perhaps others) are judging yourself harshly. Are you not forgiving yourself? Are you not forgiving others? Is your pride getting in the way? Are you doubting your abilities?

If you have pain in your neck, cervical vertebrae, and upper shoulders it is a sign that you may be inflexible. Perhaps you are not willing or afraid to look at other possibilities. Neuropeptides released by stress and fear gravitate to the neck and shoulder area, causing tightness, pain, and constriction. Your neck sits between your brain and your heart, the two electric command centers of your body. Your neck is the bridge between your head (logic) and your feelings (body). Since your neck is the most narrow point on your body, energy can easily become restricted there.

Electrical impulses passing between your heart and brain integrate analytical thinking with emotional desires and feelings. Differences between what the brain thinks and the heart desires can leave you feeling scattered, stuck, confused, or powerless, even dizzy or off-balance. Decisions can become difficult. When feelings (fear, self-doubt, overwhelm, etc) conflict with logic (organization, focus, action, strategy, etc), stress results.

A disparity between heart and mind is the root cause of many physical disorders and dysfunctions, particularly auto-immune disorders such as Lupus. You may be judging and punishing yourself harshly, causing your body to literally attack and punish itself.

If this sounds like you and you are interested in learning more about the Emotion Code™ and how I can help you to release the emotions causing the pain, pleaes click the button below.

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Stay tuned for next month’s article when I cover more parts of the body and what pain in those areas may be an indication of.