I’m nearing completion of my Emotion Code™ Certification and the results have been astounding. So far I’ve worked on over 26 different people and have had some form of success in all but two. There have been significant reductions in pain and anxiety levels. Two of my most successful and exciting cases where performed on dogs. Both dogs had developed a sudden onset of anxiety which kept them from sleeping through the night and completely changed their normally calm demeanor. When things change, for seemingly no reason, in a body there is most certainly some sort of an underlying energetic (and most likely emotional) cause. I was able to identify and release a handful of trapped emotions from both dogs that completely changed their behavior. Within days of their treatment, I received messages from both owners that the dogs were now sleeping through the night. I even got two messages from the same owner to let me know that their dog wasn’t even flinching at nearby fireworks around the 4th of July . . . and then another text a few days later to tell me that the dog was calming resting during a thunderstorm. Now I would say that was a success!

This article will cover the hidden causes of pain in your neck and upper shoulders. And if there’s anybody with plenty of experience with that, it’s me! After suffering with it for several years and finally having surgery, only to have the pain return . . . I finally figured out that the surgery did not address the root cause of the problem. If I only knew then what I know now . . .

So what does it mean if you have cervical spine, neck, and upper shoulder pain?

Neck, cervical vertebrae, and upper shoulders support your head and must be flexible. Tension and stiffness in the neck can indicate inflexibility–not willing or afraid to look at other possibilities. Neuropeptides released by stress and fear gravitate to the neck and shoulder area, causing tightness, pain, and constriction

Your neck sits between your brain and your heart–the two electric command centers of your body. Your neck is the bridge between your head (logic) and your feelings (body). Since your neck is the narrowest point on your body, energy can easily become restricted here

Electrical impulses passing between your heart and brain integrate analytical thinking with emotional desires and feelings. Differences between what the brain thinks and the heart desires can leave you feeling scattered, stuck, confused, or powerless, even dizzy or off-balance. Decisions become difficult. When feelings (fear, self-doubt, overwhelm, etc.) conflict with logic (organization, focus, action, strategy, etc), stress results

A disparity between heart and mind is the root cause of many physical disorders and dysfunctions, particularly auto-immune disorders such as Lupus. You may be judging and punishing yourself harshly, causing your body to punish itself.

For more information on the Emotion Code and how it may be able to help you, please click the button below.

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Stay tuned for next month’s article when I cover more parts of the body and what pain in those areas may be an indication of.