Our bodies are constantly trying to send us messages in the form of pain in different areas. We all have aches and pains that can be explained (or at least we think they can be explained) by recent injuries, but how many of us suffer with “pain for no good reason?” No matter what the pain or where it is, we usually have some kind of story that our minds have created for why it’s there, but only our subconscious knows the real reasons. Wouldn’t you just love to know??? I can get those answers for you with the Emotion Code, but in the meantime, here are some clues to what your lower back pain might be trying to tell you.

So what does it mean if you have lumbar (lower) back pain?

Lumbar (lower) vertebrae and tailbone can affect the reproductive organs, hips, large intestine, immune system, kidneys and bladder. Since this area of your body relates to safety and security, the consequences of your childhood show up in this area of your body, as do issues that make you feel threatened or insecure. Lumbar supports your spine and torso. This area is where family and security issues usually surface. Damage in this area often blocks the root chakra. Think of your root chakra like your ‘foundation’ which provides you with stability. It is our body’s most primal and fundamental energy center. When the root chakra is imbalanced due to trauma, psychological issues we experience a disruption in the flow of life. Often our blocked energy centers lead to constant personal and relationship issues. This all leads to feeling insecure and anxious as you turn your personal power and happiness over to others. You may fear success or failure. You will perceive a lack of financial support in your life making you feel as though you are struggling alone or that you never have enough resources (time, money, etc.) A victim mentality may be developing. Are you blaming others?

With Energy Medicine techniques, I can check the vitality of your chakras and clear them. I can also uncover some old emotions that may be trapped in this area and are causing problems. If you have lower back pain and are curious to learn more about energy medicine techniques that may help, please contact me. Or, if you would like to explore some natural remedies that may relieve some of your pain a great place to start would be trying some Tumeric.

Stay tuned for next month’s article when I cover more parts of the body and what pain in those areas may be an indication of. For more information on the Emotion Code and how it may be able to help you, please click the button below.

For more information on the Emotion Code and how it may be able to help you, please click the button below.

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Stay tuned for next month’s article when I cover more parts of the body and what pain in those areas may be an indication of.