Now that I have completed my first year of Energy Medicine school, I’ve been getting braver when people ask me “What’s New?” I’ve been starting to tell the world all about my latest and newest endeavor and new life-changing career path. Telling people that “I’m studying Energy Medicine” is easy. However, trying to explain what Energy Medicine is to somebody that doesn’t have a clue has proven significantly more challenging.
I have tried several different approaches to explaining what it’s all about in less than a minute. I’m not sure I ever came close to doing it justice or truly making the person understand, so I thought it would be good practice to write a blog article that explains it. Not only would it give me a chance to put into words what it’s all about, but posting it here on my website just might help visitors grasp the concepts. Maybe someday I can condense it down to a 30-second elevator speech, but for now, I better only strike up conversations in very very very tall buildings . . .
So what is Energy Medicine anyway?
The first thing to understand is that there are nine energy systems that support and underly our physical bodies. Our bodies are made of energy and Energy Medicine assesses the health of these systems. Just like our blood should flow without blockage throughout our vessels, so should the body’s energies flow unhindered. When these energies become stagnant or blocked, illness and disease result.
Energy Medicine is an approach that involves balancing and restoring your body’s natural energies. When these energies are in balance and flowing properly it can increase your vitality and optimize your health. It is becoming more mainstream in the medical community as a “new field” of medicine, but it actually has ancient roots and draws heavily from Eastern health practices and disciplines such as acupuncture, yoga, and qigong. It is both a complement to other medical practices and a complete system for self-care. By learning simple energy techniques you can improve your health, sharpen your mind, and increase your joy and vitality. Energy Medicine can also be preventative. By recognizing energy disruptions before symptoms appear, the energy problem can be corrected rather than allowed to progress into physical illnesses.
If this interests you and you would like to learn more about it, I offer a free 20-minute consultation. Come ask questions and see how Energy Medicine can make a difference in your health. Just click the button below to send me an email. I would love to hear from you!
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