I am so excited to be able to offer Bio-well Health Assessments reports with my Energy Medicine sessions. This is truly a unique experience and there are very few of these devices in this country. Please read on for more details . . .
What is a Bio-well Health Assessment?
I can offer a revolutionary, non-intrusive way to measure human stress levels using a specialized camera and software system which generates a powerful report that visually assesses your health.
The Bio-Well device is a GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) camera created by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov of Russia and it is the first device in the world which measures the distribution of the energy levels of the body. It is based on the well-known “Kirlian effect” / aura reading. The Russians have been using this technology for the last 20 years. They had the foresight to know that energy plays a significant role when attempting to understand the health and functioning of a human being. Over time it was determined that the GDV camera was approximately 80% or more accurate when compared with MRI’s and CAT Scans.
How Does it Work?
When fingertips are placed alternatively on the lens of the camera, it gives information about the amount of positive and negative energy flowing in the body. It essentially “takes a picture” of the internal energy of the body and allows you to quickly and easily pinpoint areas that need attention. This information allows you to be proactive about your health instead of reacting to disease and sickness after it occurs.

Just a few pages of the report that is generated from the Bio-well Health Assessment
What You Will Learn
With the information from this device you will gain insight into:
- What organs in your body contain energy blockages
- Where your body is storing physical and emotional trauma
- How well your chakras are aligned
- How much energy reserves you have
- What your stress level is
- How balanced your autonomic nervous system is
When your body is out of balance, the energy discharge captured will be rough and irregular. Those rough and irregular patches indicate where your body has trapped physical or emotional trauma and to what degree it’s a problem (acute, chronic, etc) in your life. If you’re already dealing with a problematic medical issue, the GDV camera sessions could be an invaluable resource for you. Allowing you to better understand where you are today and as a tool to help you monitor your progress and healing. Please click below for a great overview of this device.
These Bio-well health assessments are a part of my Energy Medicine sessions. Not only will they help me assess your energy systems and therefore your health, but they will also give you a visual representation of the energy in your body. I know energy is a tricky subject because we can’t see it. Many people feel that things don’t exist if they can’t see them. Well, now we can prove, with concrete evidence, that the energy in our body does indeed exist. Not only that, but you can monitor the effects of your Energy Medicine sessions.
If you are interested in either a full Energy Medicine session, just a Bio-well health report, or more information on my services, please click below to contact me.
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