Do you know how important your Kidneys are to your health and vitality?  Most people know that a major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. The kidneys also produce hormones that affect the function of other organs. The kidneys are powerful chemical factories that perform the following functions:

  • remove waste products from the body
  • remove drugs from the body
  • balance the body’s fluids
  • release hormones that regulate blood pressure
  • produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones
  • control the production of red blood cells

But in Chinese medicine, the Kidney (organ-meridian system AKA “the Root of Life”) is considered the foundation for good health and vitality. It is the source of the body’s constitutional or inherited energy.  This organ-meridian system governs the structural integrity and function, not only of the kidneys themselves but also:

  • brain
  • spinal cord
  • skeletal structure
  • body fluids
  • tissues (including bone marrow)
  • hormones
  • adrenals
  • sex glands
  • teeth
  • anus
  • urethra
  • inner ear

Interestingly, the areas governed by the Kidney system are fundamentally affected by the aging process, therefore reduced energy, declining hormone levels, impaired brain function, bone weakness, hearing loss, loose teeth, weakened immunity, incontinence, tissue dryness, and diminishing will power all seem to come with age. This can be why the first point on the Kidney meridian (known as K1) is also called “The Wellspring of Life” and can be the secret to anti-aging.

Kidney energy (traditionally called Qi and pronounced ‘chee) is progressively depleted with age. It is particularly vulnerable to exhaustion due to factors such as overwork, a hard-driven lifestyle, insufficient fluid intake, chronic illness, or stress. For most people by the age of 40, declining Kidney energy is beginning to impact on their health. If left unattended, imbalances in the Kidney meridian can manifest into conditions such as:

  • infertility
  • sexual dysfunction
  • menopause
  • prostate problems
  • impaired immunity
  • chronic inflammation
  • high blood pressure
  • heart irregularities
  • anxiety
  • loss of physical drive
  • poor concentration

The Kidneys are also the seat of courage and willpower, and therefore any impairment in Kidney meridian results in feelings of fear and paranoia. If you often have severe panic attacks, anxiety, and fear, your body may be trying to tell you that Kidney energy is running low or is imbalanced.

Four Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

  • Tapping your K27 points – Cluster your fingers together and pound with a fair amount of pressure on the points shown below. These are the endpoints of the Kidney Meridian. The meridian starts at the soles of your feet and end here. Stimulating these points brings vital energy to all the meridians.

  • Massage K1 acupressure points – As mentioned above, the Kidney meridian starts at the soles of your feet (pictures below). Massage these points deeply with your thumb or middle finger for about 10 seconds. This is the foundation of your energy resources and is critical to your energy level, as it provides Qi to all your other meridians. Massaging this point can help to heal poor memory, reduce agitation, anxiety, worry, and even madness.

  • Keep hydrated – Since the kidneys are particularly vulnerable to insufficient fluid intake, drinking plenty of water is critical to keeping them healthy.

  • Have your energies balanced by an energy practitioner – Couldn’t resist a little plug to come and see me for a full balancing of all your meridians.

For more information on how an Energy Medicine session can balance your body’s energy systems and improve your health, please click the button below.

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