Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Reveal your levels of minerals and toxic metals

What is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a specialized highly accurate laboratory test that examines the levels of 20 minerals and toxic metals present in your body. This non-invasive analysis offers valuable insights into your overall health by assessing mineral balance, which correlates with various bodily functions such as adrenal and thyroid activity, metabolic processes, stress responses, immune function, and more.

Unlike conventional blood tests, HTMA provides a unique perspective at the cellular level, where essential chemical reactions take place within the body. This allows for the detection of significant imbalances that may not be apparent through standard blood tests. This is a powerful way to determine which vitamins and minerals you need to rebalance your body chemistry and restore energy production—the key to healing most health issues.


Key Benefits of Hair Analysis:

Uncover biochemical imbalances that are causing fatigue and other health issues.

Many people struggle to find a cause of their health problems, even after visiting several doctors. But if you’re not feeling well, there’s a reason. And many times, hair analysis can explain why. For example, hair analysis can reveal heavy metal toxicity, mineral deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, dietary issues, hormonal imbalances, and much more.

Take nutritional supplements with precision and accuracy.

Sifting through the array of health claims, marketing hype, and conflicting expert advice about nutrition is confusing and time-consuming. With hair analysis, you’ll have a nutrition program that is customized for your unique needs. You’ll know exactly what supplements to take and how much to take. In some cases taking a popular vitamin that is widely known to be beneficial may just be detrimental for you. The only way to know what is right for YOU is to test your mineral levels.

Avoid wasting money on supplements that are inappropriate for your body chemistry.​

Instead of jumping on the latest supplement trend, hair analysis gives you a look under the hood to assess your biochemistry BEFORE you start spending money on supplements. With hair analysis, you can start taking supplements that you actually need.

Avoid creating imbalances that make your health worse.

Taking random vitamins and supplements without any data from your body can easily create imbalances that disturb your sleep, lower your energy, make you more emotional, and cause other health problems. With hair analysis, you can be confident you are taking your health in the right direction and avoid doing more harm than good.

Heal chronic health issues that haven’t responded to other therapies.

When you give your body the right nutrients, in the right amounts for your specific needs, your body simply functions better. Your brain function improves. Your energy improves. Your appearance improves. Health problems begin to clear up on their own, without having to focus on them.

Monitor your progress and track results.

When taking supplements, it is hard to tell if they are working at a deeper level. With hair analysis, you’ll have benchmarks and guidelines that show you that you are indeed improving. You’ll be able to track changes in your body chemistry and monitor your progress. Plus, you can adjust your program periodically as your body chemistry changes.

Support your body during stressful times.

New stress factors in your life can cause shifts in your body chemistry that leave you feeling anxious and out of balance. With hair analysis, you can get specific food and supplement recommendations to help you reduce the stress response and restore balance during stressful life phases.

Hair Analysis Addresses Key Health Questions

When interpreted accurately, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can provide insights into several critical aspects of your health:

Energy Production Deficiencies

Are you lacking essential minerals needed for energy production? Minerals like magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, and zinc are crucial for various energy cycles in the body. HTMA can detect deficiencies in these minerals long before they are noticeable in other tests.

Toxic Metal Exposure

Are toxic metals contributing to fatigue and other health issues? Metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and aluminum disrupt numerous enzyme reactions involved in energy production. Since blood tests often miss these metals, HTMA offers a reliable method for assessing toxic metal levels, which are prevalent due to environmental contamination.

Hormone Imbalances

Why are your hormone levels low? Low hormone levels, often linked to symptoms like fatigue and weight gain, are typically managed with hormone replacement therapy. However, HTMA can uncover underlying causes of hormone imbalances, such as copper and mercury toxicity or deficiencies in selenium, zinc, and chromium.

Thyroid Function

Are you experiencing thyroid hormone resistance? Even with normal hormone levels, you may still suffer from symptoms of hypothyroidism if hormones are not effectively utilized within cells. HTMA can reveal if your hormones are reaching your cells and functioning properly.

Adrenal Insufficiency

Are you dealing with adrenal burnout or insufficiency? Adrenal insufficiency, characterized by low production of hormones like aldosterone and cortisol, can lead to chronic fatigue. HTMA is a valuable tool for evaluating adrenal health and identifying imbalances affecting adrenal hormone levels.

Iron Supplementation Issues

Why does fatigue persist despite iron supplementation? Anemia may not always stem from iron deficiency. For example, without adequate bioavailable copper, iron cannot be incorporated into hemoglobin effectively. HTMA can identify related biochemical imbalances, including copper deficiencies and toxic metal presence, which may explain why iron supplements are ineffective.

Stress Impact

How is stress affecting your health? Chronic stress from various sources, such as stimulant use and nutritional depletion, activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to burnout. HTMA can indicate if your body is trapped in a stress response and assess its impact on your overall health.

Nutritional Needs

What vitamins and minerals are necessary for your health? Each individual has distinct nutritional requirements based on their metabolic type and mineral balance. HTMA provides a scientific approach to identifying the specific foods and supplements that will best support your health and healing.

By addressing these questions with HTMA, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your body’s unique needs and can take informed steps towards optimal health and well-being.


I can analyze my own results

  • Tests for 36 Minerals & Toxic Metals
  • Food & Diet recommendations
  • Supplement recommendations
  • Print or PDF report options

Due to the complexity of HTMA, it is recommended that you only pick this option for re-tests. HTMA results are not recommended to be read at face value and deeper knowledge of minerals is required in order to get the most out of your results.



Help me understand my results

  • Tests for 36 Minerals & Toxic Metals
  • Food & Diet recommendations
  • Supplement recommendations
  • Print or PDF report options
  • 30-minute video consultation to go over your test results. This will help you better understand how they are impacting your current health issues.



I'm ready to heal

  • Tests for 36 Minerals & Toxic Metals
  • Food & Diet recommendations
  • Supplement recommendations
  • Print or PDF report options
  • 30-minute video consultation to go over your test results. This will help you better understand how they are impacting your current health issues.
  • $150 credit toward your recommended nutritional supplements. Now that you know exactly what your body needs, why not feed it what it’s asking for?


Follow-Up NES Scans

Already had a NES Bioenergetic Wellness Scan? Now it’s time to keep that healing momentum going . . . Below are some options for follow-up bioenergetic scan appointments.


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