Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing Protocols


Pranic Healing is one of the most powerful energy healing modalities that I offer but I realize that the term "Pranic Healing" is completely meaningless to most people. It's time that I explain, in clear language, what it can do. I have a "recipe book" (so to speak) of Pranic protocols that I have been [...]

Pranic Healing Protocols2021-08-20T15:18:14+00:00

Bridging Energy Medicine With Western Medicine


Energy Medicine is quickly moving into our health care system and it couldn’t happen soon enough. We have become a society that looks at the body as a collection of separate parts and pieces without recognizing how all the parts connect and relate to each other. Conventional (or Western) medicine seems to focus on illness [...]

Bridging Energy Medicine With Western Medicine2020-06-16T14:09:01+00:00

Practice Pranic Healing Sessions


I'm so eager to practice what I learned during my Level One Pranic Healing course and it is so annoying to have nobody in the house to practice on. I wake up every day and ask my husband, "Do you have any pain today? Any health issues whatsoever?" and the answer is always "No, I [...]

Practice Pranic Healing Sessions2020-06-16T14:09:03+00:00

Eden Energy Medicine versus Pranic Healing


What’s the difference between Eden Energy Medicine and Pranic Healing? Eden Energy and Pranic Healing are both forms of Energy Medicine and to be honest, in many ways, they are very similar. After taking my first Pranic healing course and seeing just how similar they were, it occurred to me that it may be confusing [...]

Eden Energy Medicine versus Pranic Healing2020-06-16T14:09:03+00:00

My First Pranic Energy Facial


When I came to Mexico a few years ago for my first sabbatical, I stumbled across a Pranic Healing center. Well, I didn’t exactly “stumble across it.” My awesome real estate agent (ahora mi amiga) told me about it. I became instantly fascinated by it and it definitely fueled this entire "energy journey" that I’ve [...]

My First Pranic Energy Facial2019-11-20T14:22:02+00:00
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