General health

Your Perspective Dictates Your Health


Change your Perspective - Change your Health Nothing can open your mind and stretch your perspective more than learning about Quantum Physics. The more I learn, the more I realize that nothing in the world seems right. Our entire reality and existence are based on out-of-date science and it can be so frustrating. We have [...]

Your Perspective Dictates Your Health2020-12-01T20:03:32+00:00

An Exploration of Mind Control


As part of my graduate studies in Natural Medicine, I had to take a course that covered treating survivors of trauma and abuse. In this course, there was an in-depth explanation of mind control that . . . well, blew my mind. I am writing this article, in the USA, in November of 2020 and [...]

An Exploration of Mind Control2020-11-30T15:53:11+00:00
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