First of all, what is the DER? DER is short for the “Daily Energy Routine.” This is a simple set of exercises created by Donna Eden that all energy practitioners do (or should do) every day. It only takes a few minutes and helps to build your immune system, gain energy, feel younger, and relieve pain. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it almost is. But here’s the catch . . . you have to actually do it. Every day.
Here’s a quote that I found in a recent newsletter from the Eden Energy Medicine community.
87-Year-Old’s Stay-Young Secret!

Marie Long with her son on his motorbike.
“At 87, I feel younger and more supple than ever in my life. I recently visited my son in Japan and was riding with him on his motorbike! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Me, who never even wanted or has ridden even a pedal bike, is now experiencing a great new adventure for an 87-year-old. It has been 26 months since I started doing Donna’s routine, and I said I would give it two years to prove its worth. I will continue to do the Daily Energy Routine for the rest of my life. I have reversed my diagnosed Osteoporosis, displaced vertebrae, collapsed lung, and so much, much more! The “piddling little exercises” as my granddaughter calls them take only about five minutes a day with benefits beyond my belief. God bless you all. One day, Donna, I hope to meet you and give you a humongous hug. I love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. To think, coming from allowing myself to sink into the poor-me-redundant-granny-nobody-needs-me victim roll, I am now a geriatric delinquent biker whom my granddaughter is very proud of! The Daily Energy Routine is certainly my keep-young secret.” – Marie Long
I do the routine every day and you should too. If you want to learn how, please consider taking my Intro to Energy Medicine Part 1 class.