The last thing we want to do is start the new year carrying over toxicity from the past. This is our big symbolic chance for a fresh start.

If you’re feeling weighed down by negative emotions, toxic relationships, or just a general feeling of “stuck” it may set the tone for your entire upcoming year. Yuck. 😝

There’s no better time than now to let it all go. Clearing the slate—whether it’s your thoughts, feelings, or even your surroundings—creates space for fresh, uplifting energy to flow in.

Here’s the thing: energy attracts similar energy. When we’re stuck in low-vibration feelings like frustration or fear, or we are spending our time in a cluttered disorganized mess, we tend to pull in more of the same . . . more negativity, more chaos, etc. But when we do things to clear our energy like releasing negative emotions or cleaning out our house, we make room for higher vibrations—things like love, joy, and abundance—to come rushing in.

I recently went on an organizational tear at home and boy did it feel great. I’m even taking time to clear out and delete old digital files on my computer. That’s a task that will take an entire year, but even small steps will eventually get you to where you want to be.

Think of your health the same way. By middle age, most people have well over 300 trapped emotions that clog their biofield, distort their reality, and create health problems. It would be impossible to clear all that out in one day, but just like my overstuffed computer, you can take small steps in the right direction. With each emotional clearing, you get a little lighter, making way for a little more positive energy to flow in. If you’re interested in taking your first step to a lighter you, please consider booking an Emotional Code™ session which releases trapped negative emotions.

If you are looking for some other suggestions to steer your new year in the right direction you can start by writing down what you’re ready to let go of and then rip up or burn the paper (safely, of course!) as a way to physically release it.

Let’s not forget about your house. Don’t underestimate the power of clearing, cleaning, and reorganizing your rooms, closets, and drawers. And don’t forget to set your intention as you do these things to “LET GO of what no longer serves you to LET IN exactly what you need to be happy and healthy.

I wish you all a great start to the new year. Here’s to brighter, lighter days ahead!