Healthcare That Focuses on the PositiveStart Healing Before You Even Leave Your Doctor’s Office

Can you imagine your doctor focusing on the positive potentials rather than just finding and reporting your problems?

Where your attention goes your energy flows!

When all of your attention is placed on the things that are wrong with you, what do you think that does to your overall health? I recently proved this theory myself. For the past couple of years, I have been working very diligently on improving my health. Despite all my efforts, the blood test that I took last December showed several concerning out-of-range parameters. Knowing how hard I’ve been working, these results were a very big letdown and surely caused me to “think” I was just spiraling down a deep hole.

I have been dealing with some chronic issues, one of them being stiff joints upon getting up after being in one position for extended periods of time. It felt to me like this problem was getting worse by the month and it was taking a toll on my emotional health. Then I got the results of my latest blood tests this summer many of those out-of-range parameters were back to the normal range. What a relief to think that my efforts were making a difference. And guess what?

The stiffness in my joints or ligaments suddenly started to improve a bit. Nothing else changed except my mind. I got a little bit of good news and it totally changed my mindset.

A healthcare system that puts all of its focus on the symptoms, the problems, the illness, and the disease will just manifest more of those negative things.

When was the last time your doctor spent time celebrating all the things that are good or right with your current health situation?

That is probably not a high priority because most doctors simply don’t have time to focus on anything other than critical issues, but this is a problem.

Allopathic or Western medicine puts all the focus on the symptoms and what is “wrong” with a patient which just feeds the problems with more energy and puts added fear and doubt into their minds. Most, if not all, of the discussion is related to the pain or the problem. And, the outcome that is expected and hoped for from the patient is the almighty diagnosis or “label” that the doctor will give them. As if this diagnosis is going to solve their problems.

It seems like just knowing what is wrong is the ultimate goal. Of course, the next step is learning which drug will cure them. There is not enough focus on increasing some positive aspects of their life to counter the imbalances taking place.

In Quantum Medicine, the focus is completely different. Although we must know why a client is seeing us and we must ask them what they hope to achieve with their visit, the goal is to find areas of improvement to help them achieve their positive health goals. Ideally, we can pinpoint what is STOPPING their body from naturally healing. In some cases, just by focusing on the positive rather than the negative in the initial client meeting, the healing process can start.

Many people have a “white coat” syndrome where they will actually start to feel worse just by seeing a doctor. The fear of finding out what is wrong with them can increase their symptoms.

On the other hand, a practitioner or doctor who shows compassion and hope while extending genuine concern, and takes the time to truly listen can cause the client to start to improve and feel better immediately.

I am so happy that I do NOT wear a white coat! Please consider seeing me if you want and need some positive things to focus on.